b. 1977, Nashville, Tennessee
lives and works in Maine and Brooklyn, New York.
Headlights, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, New York, NY
Wig Wag, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, New York, NY
What Now Who How, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
No Way, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
All the Surveyors, William Patterson University, Wayne, NJ
Dream Burner, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, New York, NY
Seer, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, New York, NY
Killer Moon, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
Knock, Nacht, Fourteen30 Contemporary, Portland, OR
Under Rock and Stone, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, New York, NY
Blaze, Guerrero Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Zig-Zag: Works on Paper, Blackburn 20|20, New York, NY
Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
It Took Several Lies, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
The Dark Air, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
Glen Baldridge, Normand T. Dahl Gallery, Great Falls, Montana
Doors in Floors : Glen Baldridge and Louise Sheldon, Ditch Projects, Springfield, OR
PAIR: Alex Dodge & Glen Baldridge, The Pizzuti Collection, Columbus, OH
Glen Baldrige & Elias Hansen, Halsey Mckay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
Glen Baldridge & Bryan Graf, Halsey Mckay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
Leafless: Glen Baldridge & Benjamin Butler, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, New York, NY
Paper Room, Halsey McKay Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Printer’s Picks, David Krut gallery, New York, NY
Glen Baldridge, Holly Coulis, Alex Dodge, Keisuke Shirota, Maki Fine Arts, Tokyo, Japan
87 Franklin Inagural, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, New York
Ten Years, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
Pulled in Brooklyn: Curated by Roberta Waddell & Samantha Rippner with Luther Davis, IPCNY, New York, NY
Psychedelic Healing Cener, Essex Flowers, New York, NY
AXxoN N.: A Collective Commerary on David Lynch’s Inland Empire, Essex Flowers, New York, NY
The Garden of Earthly Delights, Washington Art Association and Gallery, Washington, CT
Glade Hits, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
Force of Nature, Steve Turner Gallery, Los Angeles. California
2017Drawings & Prints: Selections from the Met Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
Un/Settled, RISD Museum, Providence, RI
November’s Bone, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
Ghost Current, curated by Ryan Wallace, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, DK
Thousand Year Old Child, with David Kennedy Cutler and Ian Cooper, Planthouse, New York, NY
Static & Scrim, Cooper Cole, Toronto, ON Canada
Parts and Service, Eric Firestone Gallery, East Hampton, NY
Cryptograph: An Exhibition for Alan Turing, The Spencer Museum, Kansas City, KS
Where My Cones At, curated by Ryan Travis Christian, Double Break, San Diego, CA
Forth Estate Editions, Halsey Mckay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
To Make a Flame, Fourteen30 Contemporary, Portland, OR
Forth Estate: New Editions, Wild Project, NY
Workspace Program 2009-2010, Diue Donne, NY
Nothing to Say, Guerrero Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Contemporary Prints, CRG Gallery, New York, NY
Forth Estate: New Editions, The Re: Institute, Millerton, NY
Weight Perception curated by Andrew Schoultz, Guerrero Gallery, San Francisco, CA
New New York Publishers, Frans Masereel Center, Kasterlee, BELGIUM
RECENT EDITIONS: A printmaking exhibition from NYC publishers Forth Estate and Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop, Sharon Arts Exhibition Gallery, NH
FORTH ESTATE EDITIONS: Recent Works, Frederieke Taylor Gallery, New York, NY
Default State Network, curated by Ryan Wallace, Raid Projects, Los Angeles, CA
Default State Network, curated by Ryan Wallace, Morgan Lehman Gallery, New York, NY
RBPMW Annual International Exhibition, juror David Kiehl, Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop Gallery, NY
One Every Day, A Printeresting Curatorial Project, EFA Project Space, NY
Swinging on the Wrecking Ball, Ferenbalm-Gurbrü Station, Karlsruhe, Germany
Friend or Foe, Collective Hardware, New York, NY
New Prints/Spring curated by Polly Apfelbaum, International Print Center New York, NY
With Hidden Noise, David Krut Projects, New York, NY
If The Dogs Are Barking, Artists Space, New York, NY
Boston Printmakers 2009 North American Print Biennial, 808 Gallery, Boston, MA
PATTERN, Hallway Bathroom Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Kick Out The Jams, The Luggage Store, San Francisco, CA
New Prints 2007, Silkscreen, International Print Center New York, NY
Inside Job, Earnest Sewn Project Space, New York, NY
Forth Estate Editions, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Hot off the Press: Prints of 2006 from New York Print Shops, Grolier Club, New York, NY
CRG Presents: Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, CRG Gallery, New York, NY
Also! Awesome!, Hallway Bathroom Gallery, San Francisco, CA
On the Beach, Printed Matter Back Room, New York, NY
Paper! Awesome!, Pigman Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2 from LA 2 from NY, Froden Gallery, Los Angeles, California
Multiples Show, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
Paper! Awesome!, Mimi Barr Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Frans Masereel Centrum, BELGIUM
BAM Cultural District Public Art Project, Brooklyn, NY
Workspace program, Dieu Donne Papermill, New York
Graver, David, Interview: Artist Glen Baldridge on his Wonderous Paintings, Cool Hunting, January 27, 2023
Fateman, Johanna, Goings on About Town, New Yorker, January 25 - 31, 2023
Sanders, Phil, Prints and Their Makers, Princeton Architectural Press, October 27, 2020
Cutler, David Kennedy and Greer Pagano, Pair, Columbus, Pizzuti Collection Catalogue, 2017
Hart, Joseph, Glen Baldridge, Deep Color Podcast, Episode 28, November 2017
Schwendener, Martha, Gathering of Far-Flung Friends, and Trends, New York Times, May 8, 2014
Emmons, Amze, Thousand Year Old Child at Planthouse, Printeresting.org, May 3, 2014
Sanchez, Gabriel, Thousand Year Old Child, Artforum.com, April 2014
Levy, Michelle, Returning to Branches, ArtSlant, September 2010
Critics Pick, Time Out NY, September 2010
Critics Pick, Time Out NY, May 2009
Wilson, Michael, Picks, Artforum.com, May 2009
Green, Adam, Weekend Picks: Glen Baldridge in New York, Artinfo.com, May 21, 2009
Kley, Elisabeth, GOTHAM ART & THEATER:Glen Baldridge at von Nichtssagend, Artnet.com, May 18, 2009
Beyond A Memorable Fancy, exhibition catalogue, Elizabeth Foundation, New York, 2008
Hart, Joseph, Freight and Volume, Issue 2: Winter 2007/2008
Maine, Stephen, Art in Brief, Glen Baldridge: It Took Several Lies, New York Sun, May 31, 2007
Glen Baldridge: King of Art, Tokion Magazine, October 2005
Pallas, Hynek, The State of the Art, Bon Magazine, Fall 2005
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY
Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
New York Public Library, New York, NY
RISD Museum, Providence, RI
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT
Asheville Art Museum, NC
City of Orlando Public Art Collection, FL
Dieu Donne Papermill, New York, NY
Davis Museum at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
Fralin Museum of Art, Charlottesville, VA
Jundt Art Museum, Spokane, WA
Library of Congress, Washington, DC
Spencer Museum of Art, Lawrence, KS
The Whitney Museum of American Art
Frans Masereel Centrum, Belgium
BAM Cultural District Public Art Project, Brooklyn, NY
Dieu Donne Workspace Program, New York, NY
lives and works in Maine and Brooklyn, New York.
1999 Rhode Island School of Design, BFA PrintmakingSOLO EXHIBITIONS
2025Headlights, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, New York, NY
Wig Wag, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, New York, NY
What Now Who How, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
No Way, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
All the Surveyors, William Patterson University, Wayne, NJ
Dream Burner, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, New York, NY
Seer, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, New York, NY
Killer Moon, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
Knock, Nacht, Fourteen30 Contemporary, Portland, OR
Under Rock and Stone, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, New York, NY
Blaze, Guerrero Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Zig-Zag: Works on Paper, Blackburn 20|20, New York, NY
Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
It Took Several Lies, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
The Dark Air, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
Glen Baldridge, Normand T. Dahl Gallery, Great Falls, Montana
2024Doors in Floors : Glen Baldridge and Louise Sheldon, Ditch Projects, Springfield, OR
PAIR: Alex Dodge & Glen Baldridge, The Pizzuti Collection, Columbus, OH
Glen Baldrige & Elias Hansen, Halsey Mckay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
Glen Baldridge & Bryan Graf, Halsey Mckay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
Leafless: Glen Baldridge & Benjamin Butler, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, New York, NY
2025Paper Room, Halsey McKay Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Printer’s Picks, David Krut gallery, New York, NY
Glen Baldridge, Holly Coulis, Alex Dodge, Keisuke Shirota, Maki Fine Arts, Tokyo, Japan
87 Franklin Inagural, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, New York
Ten Years, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
Pulled in Brooklyn: Curated by Roberta Waddell & Samantha Rippner with Luther Davis, IPCNY, New York, NY
Psychedelic Healing Cener, Essex Flowers, New York, NY
AXxoN N.: A Collective Commerary on David Lynch’s Inland Empire, Essex Flowers, New York, NY
The Garden of Earthly Delights, Washington Art Association and Gallery, Washington, CT
Glade Hits, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
Force of Nature, Steve Turner Gallery, Los Angeles. California
2017Drawings & Prints: Selections from the Met Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
Un/Settled, RISD Museum, Providence, RI
November’s Bone, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
Ghost Current, curated by Ryan Wallace, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, DK
Thousand Year Old Child, with David Kennedy Cutler and Ian Cooper, Planthouse, New York, NY
Static & Scrim, Cooper Cole, Toronto, ON Canada
Parts and Service, Eric Firestone Gallery, East Hampton, NY
Cryptograph: An Exhibition for Alan Turing, The Spencer Museum, Kansas City, KS
Where My Cones At, curated by Ryan Travis Christian, Double Break, San Diego, CA
Forth Estate Editions, Halsey Mckay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
To Make a Flame, Fourteen30 Contemporary, Portland, OR
Forth Estate: New Editions, Wild Project, NY
Workspace Program 2009-2010, Diue Donne, NY
Nothing to Say, Guerrero Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Contemporary Prints, CRG Gallery, New York, NY
Forth Estate: New Editions, The Re: Institute, Millerton, NY
Weight Perception curated by Andrew Schoultz, Guerrero Gallery, San Francisco, CA
New New York Publishers, Frans Masereel Center, Kasterlee, BELGIUM
RECENT EDITIONS: A printmaking exhibition from NYC publishers Forth Estate and Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop, Sharon Arts Exhibition Gallery, NH
FORTH ESTATE EDITIONS: Recent Works, Frederieke Taylor Gallery, New York, NY
Default State Network, curated by Ryan Wallace, Raid Projects, Los Angeles, CA
Default State Network, curated by Ryan Wallace, Morgan Lehman Gallery, New York, NY
RBPMW Annual International Exhibition, juror David Kiehl, Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop Gallery, NY
One Every Day, A Printeresting Curatorial Project, EFA Project Space, NY
Swinging on the Wrecking Ball, Ferenbalm-Gurbrü Station, Karlsruhe, Germany
Friend or Foe, Collective Hardware, New York, NY
New Prints/Spring curated by Polly Apfelbaum, International Print Center New York, NY
With Hidden Noise, David Krut Projects, New York, NY
If The Dogs Are Barking, Artists Space, New York, NY
Boston Printmakers 2009 North American Print Biennial, 808 Gallery, Boston, MA
PATTERN, Hallway Bathroom Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Kick Out The Jams, The Luggage Store, San Francisco, CA
New Prints 2007, Silkscreen, International Print Center New York, NY
Inside Job, Earnest Sewn Project Space, New York, NY
Forth Estate Editions, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Hot off the Press: Prints of 2006 from New York Print Shops, Grolier Club, New York, NY
CRG Presents: Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, CRG Gallery, New York, NY
Also! Awesome!, Hallway Bathroom Gallery, San Francisco, CA
On the Beach, Printed Matter Back Room, New York, NY
Paper! Awesome!, Pigman Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2 from LA 2 from NY, Froden Gallery, Los Angeles, California
Multiples Show, Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
Paper! Awesome!, Mimi Barr Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2013Frans Masereel Centrum, BELGIUM
BAM Cultural District Public Art Project, Brooklyn, NY
Workspace program, Dieu Donne Papermill, New York
Graver, David, Interview: Artist Glen Baldridge on his Wonderous Paintings, Cool Hunting, January 27, 2023Fateman, Johanna, Goings on About Town, New Yorker, January 25 - 31, 2023
Sanders, Phil, Prints and Their Makers, Princeton Architectural Press, October 27, 2020
Cutler, David Kennedy and Greer Pagano, Pair, Columbus, Pizzuti Collection Catalogue, 2017
Hart, Joseph, Glen Baldridge, Deep Color Podcast, Episode 28, November 2017
Schwendener, Martha, Gathering of Far-Flung Friends, and Trends, New York Times, May 8, 2014
Emmons, Amze, Thousand Year Old Child at Planthouse, Printeresting.org, May 3, 2014
Sanchez, Gabriel, Thousand Year Old Child, Artforum.com, April 2014
Levy, Michelle, Returning to Branches, ArtSlant, September 2010
Critics Pick, Time Out NY, September 2010
Critics Pick, Time Out NY, May 2009
Wilson, Michael, Picks, Artforum.com, May 2009
Green, Adam, Weekend Picks: Glen Baldridge in New York, Artinfo.com, May 21, 2009
Kley, Elisabeth, GOTHAM ART & THEATER:Glen Baldridge at von Nichtssagend, Artnet.com, May 18, 2009
Beyond A Memorable Fancy, exhibition catalogue, Elizabeth Foundation, New York, 2008
Hart, Joseph, Freight and Volume, Issue 2: Winter 2007/2008
Maine, Stephen, Art in Brief, Glen Baldridge: It Took Several Lies, New York Sun, May 31, 2007
Glen Baldridge: King of Art, Tokion Magazine, October 2005
Pallas, Hynek, The State of the Art, Bon Magazine, Fall 2005
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYMuseum of Modern Art, New York, NY
New York Public Library, New York, NY
RISD Museum, Providence, RI
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT
Asheville Art Museum, NC
City of Orlando Public Art Collection, FL
Dieu Donne Papermill, New York, NY
Davis Museum at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
Fralin Museum of Art, Charlottesville, VA
Jundt Art Museum, Spokane, WA
Library of Congress, Washington, DC
Spencer Museum of Art, Lawrence, KS
The Whitney Museum of American Art
Frans Masereel Centrum, Belgium
BAM Cultural District Public Art Project, Brooklyn, NY
Dieu Donne Workspace Program, New York, NY